How to photograph water droplets
How to photograph water droplets. (Some super easy steps to get you started). What is it about water photography that is so mesmerising? Maybe it's the surf, a creek, the rain or simply a drop delicately dangling from a tap. However you photograph it water provides quite the artistic opportunity. (photo) That's why we're excited about our inaugural monthly PC water photography competition.Join our Flickr group and upload your best water shot taken this month. And you could win the coveted PC cap! OK, so exactly... how do you photograph water droplets? You'll need seven things to get you started. 1. A tripod. 2. A water dropper. 3. A bowl or plate for the water to fall in to. 4. A pencil (or pen). 5. Light (whether natural or flash or lamp). 6. A glass of water. 7. Patience! The location: Find a place in your house where there's plenty of light. You'll need to use a fast shutte...